Unapproved Minutes of Meeting
November 8, 2007


Board Members and Members Present:     Scott Perry, Marijke Dollois, Pat Farmer, Parma Jewett, Sally Newton.

Scott Perry called the Meeting to order at 5:35 PM.

Show and Tell:
Scott showed the VMGA and LLHS Annual Meeting pictures where 3 awards were presented to the MHS on Nov. 2nd in Middlebury – the awards went to Bill Branthoover for Lifetime Achievement; Marijke Dollois for Individual Achievement as Society Membership Chair and the MHS for Excellence in Society Operations for the website, electronic newsletter and email outreach. Congratulations!

Recognition of visitors: None

1.    Minutes of 10/11/07:
Scott made a Motion, seconded by Sally to approve the Minutes as written; the Motion was unanimously approved.

2.    Treasurer’s Report:
        Checking Account    $    3,940.89
        Lalia Pratt Hays Scholarship CD    6,638.61 @ 5.00%
        Capital Improvement CD    1,827.95 @ 4.75%
        Stained Glass Window fund CD    5,371.34 @ 5.00%

        Heaton House Mortgage     $24,506.45 @ 6.49% fixed ($210.15 per month)

Parma made a Motion, seconded by Pat to approve the Treasurer’s Report of November 8, 2007 as presented; the Motion was unanimously approved.

3.    Membership Update:
Marijke reported that the paid membership as of Nov. 8th is 220 memberships with total contributions received $10,459.00.

4.    Old Business –

A.    Ongoing Projects/Events:
    1)    Speakers – Sally received a brochure describing the presentation by Helene Lang – Portraits in Literature. She suggested that the MHS co-sponsor this event with the library. She also reported that Dora Hurtubise had asked her when the next Elder’s Night will take place; it was suggested to have this possibly sometime during the winter months. The Board encourages Sally in her efforts to get a presentation on Abenaki’s.
    2)    Carols and Candles – Marijke reported that most of the Christmas decorations have already been put up by Noela McGroarty, Jerry Levin, Marijke Dollois and Scott Perry. The final outside decorations will be put in place in December. Jackie Kaufman has been asked to tell a Hanukkah story; if she is unable to do so Lisa Perry will take her place. The other storyteller will be Suzanne Dollois. Scott will send a copy of the latest newsletter to Kathleen McCloskey to notify her of the date of the event. Parma will prepare the food and Marijke will do the hot cider.
B.    Pratt Hall
Pat has prepared the new hands for the front face of the clock and they will be put in place on Sunday, Nov. 11th at 1:00 PM.

Scott reported that he met with Michael Gohl, the architect and Ann Cousins from the Preservation Trust Fund for about two hours last week. They again toured Pratt Hall  for an inspection. Scott received the impression that they were most concerned about how well the tower is tied into the building and that they will probably recommend moving the front steps and handicapped access ramp away from the front to create airflow. We should be receiving their final report shortly.

The grant money of $500 has been received for this evaluation; the MHS will pay the matching funds as soon as we receive an invoice.
C.    Plaques for Window/Business donors are finished and in place.

D.    Christmas Decorations – see A.2 above.

E.    Insurance – No report.

F.    Awards – see “Show and Tell” above

G.    History Expo theme and idea – Scott suggested “Timber Industry and Innovations” by using the Atlas Timber booklet and other timber industry items in the MHS collection. He also thought there might still be some people around who’d have stories about this era.

    Scott made a Motion, seconded by Parma to approve the theme “Timber Industry and Innovations” for the 2008 History Expo at Tunbridge; the Motion was unanimously approved.

H.    Holiday Meeting – the Meeting will be held at the Dollois/Fichman residence on December 14th at 6:00. Marijke will send invitation to all current and past Board Members; she suggested also inviting members who have been active at events, e.g. Ken Secor, André Gareau.

I.    Recording Equipment – this equipment was purchased by Charles Henderson for the MHS with grant money to be used during the school history project; this equipment has now been located at the school and will be returned to the MHS. The only piece missing is a scanner donated by IBM.

5.    New Business:
A person in the community recently requested the list of MHS members. Sally made a Motion, seconded by Parma that the information contained in the MHS membership list is confidential and will not be released, nor a portion thereof, to a third party; the Motion was unanimously approved.

Scott showed an addition on the MHS website to the history of Pratt Hall.

A request by a Board Member has been made to change the day of the month of the Board Meetings. The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 17th at 5:30; location to be notified prior to meeting. At that time a new schedule will be discussed.

6.    Adjourn:  Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marijke Dollois